
Get up close and personal with the SLP 2022 shortlisted writers! Leading up to the Awards Ceremony, we will be featuring the writers in a series of programmes. Check this page often for updates!

31 July 2022, 2pm to 4pm
LASALLE College of the Arts, Ngee Ann Kongsi Library

Hear from the shortlisted poets of the 2022 Singapore Literature Prize! They will be reading from their shortlisted books and examining the range of topics in their writing that resonates with readers.
In Conversation: SLP 2022 Shortlisted Writers

19 August 2022, 1pm to 2pm (SGT)
Staff Lounge L2, School of Humanities, Nanyang Technological University

Join us for this session with Singapore Literature Prize (SLP) 2022 shortlisted writers, Rama Suresh and Daryl Qilin Yam, along with SLP 2016 English Poetry co-winner Desmond Kon, as they share and provide insights into their works and writing process.
Echoes of Home

19 August 2022, 5 pm to 6.30 pm (SGT)
Lemongrass Room, Shaw Foundation House, National University of Singapore

Featuring the SLP 2022 shortlisted writers, Mok Zining and Clara Chow this session will explore what the notions of home, with the writers sharing how this has been reflected in their works.
Symposium for Chinese Fiction Writers

21 August 2022, 3pm (SGT)
Singapore Association of Writers, 13-B, Smith Street, Singapore 058927

配合My Community主办、旅游局支持的社区节活动,新加坡作家协会位于史密斯街的会所将于8月21日对外开放一天。新加坡书籍理事会也将配合作协会所开放日,在牛车水史密斯街的会所和作协联办一场分享会。演讲者是新加坡文学奖华文小说组入围的作者:希尼尔, 日落冬,邹文学。

Xi Ni Er, Ri Luo Dong and Choo Woon Hock’s shortlisted Chinese fiction make us yearn for the simplicity of yesteryear, while appreciating watershed moments in history. Meet them at My Community Festival, co-organised by the Singapore Association of Writers.



征集作品从 2022年8 月1日起至2022年12 月 31 日止。优先考虑以历届新加坡文学奖华文组入围作品为题材的多媒体作品(从2004年起)

Living in the digital age now, we hope to ride on this wave of technology to promote Singapore Chinese literature through interactive, multimedia works. Co-organised by the Chinese Literary@SG festival and Singapore Book Council, the Chinese Literary Channel is now seeking for submissions.

We encourage writers, media professionals and literature lovers to adapt and turn local Chinese literary works into video, audio or multimedia formats. They can include works such as short video and animation. Let’s make local books come to life through the channel!

The call for entries will be from Aug 1 to Dec 31, 2022. Priority will be given to works based on past Singapore Literature Prize shortlisted titles (from 2004 onwards). For more details, please visit: